Hunter College Dance Department Study Abroad
Havana, Cuba
Spring 2025
Hunter Dance students dance & learn with the iconic Cuban dance company, Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba!
This exciting new program will be piloted in Spring 2025, and will serve as an intensive dance, dance education, and language education abroad program for Hunter College Dance Department undergraduate and graduate students in collaboration with Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba (LADC).
Havana, Cuba, where LADC is based, is a short flight from NYC with a wealth of local historic and folkloric dance forms. LADC houses several dance professionals who are experts on local Cuban folkloric and traditional dances. The national language of Cuba is Spanish, thus, Hunter Dance students will be immersed in the language providing them with the tools to teach a 40% Hispanic student population in NYC schools and beyond.
About the Program
For Students and Alumni
We are thrilled to be piloting the new dance study abroad program in Havana, Cuba this Spring 2025! Advanced-level undergraduate Dance majors, graduate-level Dance students, and AGDEP alumni will be selected through an application process, and will be required to register for a new 3-credit Special Topics section specifically for this study abroad course during the spring 2025 semester. Freshman and Sophomore-level undergraduates are not eligible to apply at this time.
Applications are now closed, and decisions have been shared via the email provided on your application.
Please direct questions to grddance@hunter.cuny.edu.